Feeling's Flame electric candles are very durable once installed into your lighting fixtures. The "flame" of the candle mechanism must be protected prior to installation. Please take care of the "flame" and make sure not to twist or bend it in any way; when removing the candles from the packaging.
Removing Electric Candles From Packaging
- The sleeve used to simulate the wax candle sleeve is made of plastic and can be trimmed to the proper length with a household knife.
- The Feeling's Flame electric candle mechanism is the part that actually screws into the socket of your existing light fixture.
- Protective packaging material is used to keep our electric candle secure.
Adjusting The Length Of The Light Fixture Sockets
- For each light socket in your fixture, remove both the existing light bulb and the candle sleeve. The electrical socket will be in plain view and all sockets can be raised or lowered by the method by which your socket is adjusted. This all depends on the socket's manufacturer and how it was installed. Adjusting the height of the socket is where the Feeling's Flame bulb will be inserted and the candle sleeve will fit over. The bottom of the "flame" is approximately 10 millimeters from the top of the candle sleeve. Once the socket is adjusted, the candle sleeve can be easily trimmed with a houshold knife to the exact height you desire.
Inserting Feeling's Flame Electric Candles Into Socket
- Install a Feeling's Flame bulb into each socket by holding only the plastic base when twisting.
- Once the candle mechanism is in place, carefully place the candle sleeve over the top of the "flame" and slide down the cover over the entire socket.